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domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Diabo III

As you may know, Diablo III is just around the corner. With 9 days away from this anticipated release, millions of nerds all over the world will gather around malls and game shops in a zombie frenzy to put their hands on this game... After all, this beauty took 11 years to be produced... With its release always being pushed (rumours said that Skyrim raised the stakes pretty high) when the date was confirmed, we applauded, we screamed in joy and some, even began the arrangements for losing their social life. 
You might be thinking "Why?".. Well I'll tell you why... Because Diablo II was awesome. It was a breakthrough when it was released and people loved it and still do. To this day I still have it on my computer even though I don't play it anymore.
With new classes, the way you fight is better, new type of followers, the inventory apparently is different allowing us to use new powers (oh god how I wish I played the beta but I kept getting an error) and all sort of new things, one cannot be less than excited.
So, start making your arrangements like it was a zombie apocalypse (I will talk about this one day)... Gather the junk food, the red bulls for those sleepless nights, turn your phones off and say goodbye to your loved ones (or be like me, and play with them)... Diablo III is coming!

The Demon Hunter trailer (sure, it has 2 years but still)
(We are all allowed to have a boner with this. Do not judge us)

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