
This is a 18+ blog so if you are easily offended by nudity, foul mouth and whatever may cross here I suggest you leave. Thank you xx

segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2013

Storm... In the morning light

Today I tried to shoot something that I would truly enjoy but no, two shepherds and a flock of sheep decided to show up at the most inopportune time. I was there with my almost see-through body when I hear noise so I look behind me and there they were. I said "Hi" with the nicest smile ever and thinking "oh sweet black baby jesus, FUCK!". They returned the kind greeting and a silence fell upon us. As it was becoming unbearable, I picked up my dress and promptly said "I will go now", gathered my shit and got the fuck out of there. I turn my head as I walked away and a sheep followed me for a few meters. Black Sheep.

Being surprised by two men while you're half naked is always fun, wouldn't you agree? At least I wasn't showing my ta-tas, although I can imagine their faces. Priceless I say.


I've been promoted in my job and with a bigger promotion coming up, sadly is one that I won't accept, and I grow weary from that place. I miss having free time to read, paint and mostly photograph, even if its my ass the subject. I am also back on my meds but I will leave this for a later post, with the rest of the photos from this "session". 
As I am not very coherent right now, I will bid you all a goodnight kiss. 

sábado, 27 de julho de 2013

Test Test

I will keep this short for my will to write at this point is none. Instead I'm saving the not so exciting news for a later post, that will also contain more serious photos, as these ones were nothing but a test. 
I am thinking in doing something like this but in a different spot and with a few variations. The weather seems to be favoring me when it comes to outdoor photography so I'll take advantage of that. 

The test before the test 
I actually like this one

sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

After Dark

Nothing special, although I got shit tons of news, but I'm one week away from vacations, I will make a proper update then. 

My baby that allows me to play at night and scream at my team

segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2013



Lolita Vladimir Nabokov